The volleyball community has raised over $14 million dollars for cutting-edge stage IV breast cancer research to support the 150,000+ women and men living with stage IV breast cancer. Bring Dig Pink® to your volleyball program and be part of the impact!
Bring the Dig Pink® experience to your school, club or even adult volleyball program! Request your guide (The Impact Playbook) and a Side-Out representative will be in touch.
Request your Dig Pink® Organizer Guide Today
The Side-Out Foundation is both a nonprofit and research organization committed to providing life-extending solutions for those with stage IV breast cancer while giving anyone receiving a breast cancer diagnosis hope for more tomorrows.
Through our Dig Pink® Program, the volleyball community sponsors our clinical trials, which are successfully extending the lives of those living with stage IV breast cancer.
Dig Pink® welcomes all kinds of participants, including high school, club, men’s and women’s programs, adult leagues, tournaments, and even outdoor events.
No matter your team’s season, support for the stage IV community is important, not just during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but year-round as the need for innovative treatment solutions is ongoing.
Your team is provided with a dedicated Impact Coach who knows your region and can help provide guidance in building a truly impactful experience.
Teams that support Side-Out's mission and meet minimum fundraising amounts receive a banner to display their impact!
The Side-Out Ambassador Program is open to any student who leads a Dig Pink® initiative. Students who follow the process can earn a scholarship up to $3,500!
2020 Side-Out Foundation is 501(c)(3)