Volleyball teams worldwide have jointly participated in Dig Pink® events to come together for a common goal for over 10 years. Through Side-Out, these players, coaches, families, and fans are responsible for a first-of-its-kind clinical trial that is changing the way breast cancer is treated.
The game-changing research being conducted in The Side-Out Protocol continued in 2018. The foundation’s research team moved forward with the recruitment of phase three, SIDEOUT 3, and set a projected completed date for 2019! Building off the success of the first two phases, Side-Out’s research was conducted at seven trial locations.
The Side-Out Protocol began Phase III, utilizing Multiomic Profiling to Advanced Diagnostics to Identify CDK 4/6 Inhibitor Response Predictors and a Post-treatment Multiomic Signature for Patients with ER+/HER-2 Metastatic Breast Cancer.
2018 Trial Locations
At the end of 2017, Side-Out had three goals to accomplish for the new year. In addition to pushing phase three recruiting, the foundation wanted to continue to present findings at top conferences around the U.S. and create a community database to share findings with professionals within the breast cancer research field.
Side-Out’s research was featured at the annual American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting and presented by Translational Drug Development (TD2). The presentation showcased the benefits of Multi-Omic Profiling and the personalization of treatments discovered in the Side-Out Protocol. ASCO meetings are considered one of the largest educational and scientific events in the oncology community. Close to 40,000 people attended the 2018 conference in Chicago.
While Multi-Omic Profiling comes with its own set of challenges, both scientific and logistical, the possibilities this approach opens up to the field of oncology research are promising for patients as new options become available,” said Bryant Dunetz, Chief Operating Officer of The Side-Out Foundation. “It’s our hope that we can offer inspiration to cancer patients through our studies.”
The creation of the metastatic breast cancer database was a focus for the research team in 2018. Information from the research found in The Side-Out Protocol would be available to the public in hopes that findings from the three phases would push future stage IV breast cancer research forward. The open-access database was developed by Side-Out in collaboration with the College of Science and the College of Health and Human Service at George Mason University. For more information on the Side-Out Metastatic Breast Cancer Database, click here
Heading into 2019, The Side-Out Protocol will continue the recruitment for phase three. Once the recruitment period concludes, the research team will begin planning the next steps for a fourth phase. The progress made in 2018, has Side-Out excited for what the next year will bring.
Volleyball teams worldwide have jointly participated in Dig Pink® events to come together for a common goal for over 10 years. Through Side-Out, these players, coaches, families, and fans are responsible for a first-of-its-kind clinical trial that is changing the way breast cancer is treated. The foundation’s research team moved forward with the recruitment of phase three, SIDEOUT 3, and set a projected completed date for 2019!