Dig Pink FAQ
When does my fundraising page close?
Your fundraising campaign page never closes, so it will always be live. You determine how long your campaign will run and direct people to your campaign URL during that time. You need to register each year to start a new campaign for that year’s campaign.
How do I submit my funds?
1. Total Your Donations
2. If you completed all your fundraising online, no need to worry. Let your Support Rep know, and you’re all set! For cash donations, take them to your bank and request a cashier’s check made out to The Side-Out Foundation.
3. Donors should make checks payable to “The Side-Out Foundation” and reference the school in the memo of the check.
4. Checks should be mailed with our Mail-in Donation Form at any US Post Office via Priority Mail. Download the Mail-in Donation Form here: side-out.org/submitfunds.
Where can I find the Dig Pink® Logo?
Any of our Side-Out Foundation or Dig Pink logos can be found and downloaded from our Brand Style Guide.
Does Side-Out provide pink decorations for the event?
Side-Out does not provide any pink decorations for your event, but your local party store is a great resource for streamers, balloons, posters and other supplies to help doctorate for your event! If you are looking for ideas, check out our pinterest board!
Where can I find your W-9 form?
Our W-9 Form provides the foundation address and Tax Identification Number (TIN), which your school or club may need.
Are you a 501(c)(3)?
The Side-Out Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that was established in 2004 to make a significant and identifiable impact on the lives of metastatic breast cancer patients and their families.
Have Additional Questions?
Contact Us or call 877-344-7465