Welcome Sydney, Side-Out’s Newest Team Support Rep!

Our team at Side-Out is growing! We welcomed Sydney Cannice as a Team Support Rep to the Side-Out team this week. You can get to know Sydney below!

Who are you?

My name is Sydney Cannice and I am a graduate from George Mason University where I received my bachelor’s degree in Community Health with a concentration in Global Health and a minor in Psychology in 2017. Prior to joining the Side-Out team, I served as a Community Health Specialist with the Peace Corps and was living in Michinji, Malawi, South East Africa.

Where are you from?

I was born in San Diego, CA, but moved to Sterling, VA when I was eight months old, and have spent most of my life there.

Tell us about your experience with volleyball before you came to Side-Out.

I began playing volleyball in the 6th grade when my friend talked me into signing up to play for our middle school league. At the time, I had little to no desire to play, but shortly after, I began to love the sport. As I progressed in skill, I played club for NVVA (Northern Virginia Volleyball Association) for five years and LOCO Volleyball Club (Loudoun County Volleyball Club) for one year. For a short time, I coached a middle school volleyball team through NVVA. While attending George Mason University, I both refereed and played intramural volleyball. I have been thankful enough to experience multiple sides of the sport and learn from each position.

What is your role at Side-Out?

I am responsible for communicating with teams and schools in the Northeast and Southeast regions who are participating in Dig Pink. I build relationships with teams and help them better understand what Dig Pink and The Side-Out Foundation is about, and how they can participate.

Foundation Note: Sydney will take over retention teams for Janice, who is moving into the role of Vice President of Programs to help move Side-Out’s mission forward as a foundation.

What is your hidden talent?

I am really good at the claw machine game where you try and grab stuffed animals. I can grab one almost every time.

What three events made the biggest impact on who you are today?

  1. Moving to Malawi and learning how to live with little to no human comforts such as running water and electricity.
  2. Becoming an aunt to my two little nephews, Christopher and Connor.
  3. Studying abroad in Peru and hiking Machu Picchu.

What is your favorite movie?

My favorite movie is The Proposal. I can watch the movie any day or time, and it will always make me laugh.

If you could visit anywhere in the world you’ve never been, where would you go?

I would love to visit Tanzania, specifically, Zanzibar and Mt. Kilimanjaro. I enjoy spending time at the beach and hiking, and hope to one day see the beautiful island that is Zanzibar, and hike Mt. Kilimanjaro.

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