Good Times, Bad Times

Good Times Bad Times Image

Have been doing really well the last couple of months, tumor markers dropping, and aside from the usual effects of chemo been able to keep up my routine. So I’m a happy camper. That’s the good times.

Bad times is when you go to chemo and your port refuses to work. A one-hour infusion becomes a 3 1/2 hour infusion and the port is not functional. So – must go to hospital to have port cleared. Then find out tumor markers go up. This is what they call LIVING WITH CANCER. All of us who are confronted with these issues due to our diagnosis know that it isn’t an easy road. We are all subject to these ups and downs, these good and bad times, and must persevere to combat the enemy.

I guess the best medicine for these uneasy times is to eat right, exercise, keep busy doing things you enjoy, keep your emotional support group close and learn what you can about what you are confronting in order to be an active participant in your future.

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