Opening of “Life With Cancer” Facility

I am not a lover of cocktail parties but it was requested by my hubby to be by his side and so I went. Got all dressed up and took a lot of effort trying to make myself look healthy and robust. I must admit that since I am on Xeloda I do feel 100% better than when I was on IV chemo. At any rate, I think I succeeded to some degree. I was pleased to meet Dr. Edminson who is on the Side-Out Medical Board, some of the staff and some very generous philanthropic people. Joanne, the gal who manages the facility caught up to me and wanted to show me what she calls the Appearance Center and wants some input from me on how to make it a wonderful place for the many Cancer patients that have access to this facility. I told her I will do whatever I am able to help create an ambiance of warmth and welcome. The services that this wonderful haven offer are all free to patient and family, everything is subsidized by generous donations. I’m sure there wasn’t a person in the room Tuesday night that hadn’t lost someone to Cancer. That’s just the way it is in our time.

I was glad I went. It is so inspiring to know that there are so many good people in the world willing to help Cancer patients and their families through probably the hardest times in their lives.

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